Monday, May 17, 2004

A Letter I just Wrote

So, I just received a letter in the mail from Howard Dean, encouraging me to support his nascent Political Action Committee, "Democracy for America." I don't intend to do so, since I am reserving all further political giving this cycle for the actual candidate for the election. I'm not a millionaire, and I simply can't afford to spread my dollars diffulsively. KERRY TO THE MAX, BABY!!!! *urk* Hey, can't blame me for trying to fake it.

Anyhow, I'm gonna' use their Business Reply Mail envelope (with postage enclosed, I'm so icky) to send in the following letter written on the back of their solicitation, and I figured I'd transcribe it here before I send it:

Dear D.F.A. folks,

Thanks for your passion and commitment. We're going to need it! I cannot contribute at this time, as I am presently saving money to make a large donation directly to the campaign of John Kerry (ick!). By August I should be able to make the maximum contribution (I'm doing this on a secretary's salary, after all!) of $2000.

Anyhow, as a big supporter of Howard Dean, tell him to get his ass back into elected office! I supported Howard Dean on the basis of his refreshing combination of liberalism (not to be confused with progressivism... which I generally find abhorrent), pragmatism and eloquence. Watching the implosion of Dean's campagin, I can't help but feel that he allowed his campaign to become captivated by a group that did not share the values he originally espouses - of fiscal moderation, cautious social advancement, political liberalism, and pragmatic internationalism. Instead, the candidate was redefined by his supporters as an advocate of lowest-common-denominator leftist reactionism. Howard Dean is a remarkable politician and a remarkable man. He owes it to this nation to re-enter the political arena and join the contest over the ideals and the sould of this Republic. With the stakes this high, we need it. The changes he benefitted from in fundraising will continue apace of their own accord.


Dean was "found" by his movement. And he got destroyed by them. I sure hope he isn't overestimating his own agency in the formation of the movement which he led...

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