Friday, June 11, 2004

This Literally Turns my Stomach

I never noticed this Peggy Noonan column the first time around, and have only now observed it's existence because a satire has been written of it.

But the originally literally makes me sick. Paul Wellstone was a man of deep political conviction who spent his life in pursuit of politics. To imply that "politics" has no relationship to "life" is to dishonor the life the man lived on the occasion of his death. Listen to the words that this... listen to what this person puts into his Paul Wellstone's mouth:
"It's wonderful here. You'll be amazed at what I think is one of the best parts. Two words: No politics. I love it."

"You can make your life sick and small, you can fill it with poison, when you turn everything into politics. And what makes me sad is not that you used my death to get out the vote. It's not that you were cold. It's that the only way you could show any warmth was through politics."

"That memorial was the triumph of politics at the expense of the personal. At the expense of what makes you human."

"I have to tell you what I know: Politics is the biggest, easiest way in all of America to avoid looking at yourself, and who you are, and what fence needs fixing on your own homestead."

I honestly cannot believe this woman put these words in the mouth of Paul Wellstone - one of the most morally sincere men in American politics. To have argued on the occasion of his death that his life's work was the poison of men's soul is beyond contempt.


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