Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Another Bush flip-flop

Let's give him a pass on the whole "Winning the War on Terror" flap.

Instead, take note of this statement on 527s:

Let me talk about a larger issue, and that is 527s. I spoke to John McCain today, and I think these ought to be outlawed. I thought they ought to be outlawed a year ago, when I — whenever I signed the bill.

Structurally, how is this any different from Kerry's change of heart with regards to, say... the war on Iraq or the USAPatriot Act?

If he thought they should be outlawed when he signed the bill, then why on earth did he sign the bill? As the one man in the country with veto power, isn't he also the only man who can stop things that "should be outlawed" from being signed into law?


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