Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Dealing with the Constitution

Hey, sports fans. If you've been properly ignoring this site, then it won't bother you if I turn it to somewhat (more) idiosyncratic purposes. If you've still got me in your RSS feed, you might want to turn that off... expect boredom.

Below is a bibliographic list of things to check out. I'm mostly posting it here so I'll have easy access to it from the library computers. This isn't meant to entertain.

Culled from Hart & Wechsler:

  • Althouse, The Alden Trilogy: Still Searching for a Way to Enforce Federalism, 31 Rutgers L.J. 631 (2000)

  • Berman, Reese & Young, State Accountability for Violations of Intellectual Property Rights: How to "Fix" Florida Prepaid (And How Not To), 79 Tex.L.Rev. 1037 (2001)

  • Dorf, No Federalists Here: Anti-Federalism and Nationalism on the Rehnquist Court, 31 Rutgers L.J 741 (2000)

  • Farber, Pledging a New Allegiance: An Essay on Sovereignty and the New Federalism, 75 Notre Dame L.Rev. 1133 (2000)

  • Fletcher, The Eleventh Amendment: Unfinished Business, 75 Notre Dame L.Rev. 843 (2000)

  • Hartley, Alden Triology: Praise and Protest, 23 Harv.J.L. & Pub. Policy 323 (2000);

  • Hill, In Defense of Our Law of Sovereign Immunity, 42 B.C.L.Rev. 485 (2001)

  • Jackson, Principle and Compromise in Constitutional Adjudication: The Eleventh Amendment and State Sovereign Immunity 75 Notre Dame L.Rev. 953 (2000)

  • Jackson, Seductions of Coherence, State Sovereign Immunity, and the Denationalization of Federal Law, 31 Rutgers L.J. 691 (2000)

  • Karlan, The Irony of Immunity: The Eleventh Amendment, Irreparable Injury, and Section 1983, 53 Stan.L.Rev. 1311 (2001)

  • Marshall & Cowart, State Immunity, Political Accountability, and Alden v. Maine 75 Notre Dame L.Rev. 1069 (2000)

  • Marshall, Understanding Alden, 31 Rutgers L. J. 803 (2000)

  • Merico-Stephens, Of Maine's Sovereignty, Alden's Federalism, and the Myth of Absolute Principles: The Newest Oldest Question of Constitutional Law, 33 U.C. Davis L.Rev. 325 (2000)

  • Nagel, Judges and Federalism: A Comment on "Justice Kennedy's Vision of Federalism", 31 Rutgers L.J. 825 (2000)

  • Orth, History and the Eleventh Amendment 75 Notre Dam L.Rev. 1147 (2000)

  • Pfander, Once more Unto the Breach: Eleventh Amendment Scholarship and the Court, 75 Notre Dame L.Rev. 817 (2000)

  • Shapiro, The 1999 Trilogy: What is Good Federalism?, 31 Rutgers L.J. 753 (2000)

  • Sherry, States Are People Too, 75 Notre Dame L. Reve. 1121 (2000)

  • Tidmarsh, A Dialogic Defense of Alden, 75 Notre Dame L.Rev. 1161 (2000)

  • Vazquez, Sovereign Immunity, Due Process and the Alden Triology, 109 Yale L.J. 1927 (2000)

  • Volokh, Sovereign Immunity and Intellectual Property, 73 S.Cal.L.Rev. 1161 (2000)

  • Wells, Suing States for Money: Constitutional Remedies After Alden and Florida Prepaid, 31 Rutgers L.J 771 (2000)

  • Weinberg, Of Sovereignty and Union: The Legends of Alden, 876 Notre Dam L. Rev. 1113 (2001)

  • Woolhandler, Old Property, New Property, and Sovereign Immunity, 75 Notre Dame L.Rev. 919 (2000)

  • Young, Alden v. Maine and the Jurisprudence of Structure, 41 Wm. & Mary L.Rev. 1601 (2000)

  • The Supreme Court's Federalism: Real or Imagined?, 574 Annals Am.Acad.Pol & Soc.Sci. 9 (2001)

  • Symnposium, New Directions in Federalism, 33 Loy.L.A.L.Rev. 1275 (2000)

  • Symposium, Shifting the Balance of Power? The Supreme Court, Federalism, and State Sovereign Immunity, 53 Stan. L. Rev. 1115 (2001)

  • Noonan (book), Narrowing the Nation's Power (2002)


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