Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Butt Mints

Standing next to a truck on my lunch break, waiting for the light to change, I was passed by a woman who had apparently bathed in her perfume this morning. The odor was so overpowering that it actually drowned out the truck fumes! Well, I must have started losing oxygen to my brain because I was hit by a searing flash of inspiration.

Butt-mints! That's right... mint-scented suppositories! Activated by methane!

"If you just can't hold it, then why not mold it?"

It'd take a "public education" campaign of Proctor & Gamble dimensions. But I'm almost certain we could pull it off!

Perhaps we could make a rose-scented suppository called "Glade Scented Butt Plug-Ins" while we're at it...

UPDATE: Well, all good ideas are unoriginal. Apparently I've been beaten to the punch...


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