Wednesday, October 20, 2004

What's Wrong with Andrew Sullivan?

I confess, I've been reading him lately. I was really disgusted by his charge immediately after 9/11 that the "decadent left" (which he identified as America's coastal states) was going to pose a "fifth-column" to our efforts in Afghanistan. It still rankles as one of the most despicable sentiments ever issued by a pundit.

But, he's a smart guy, keeps writing for publications I read regularly, and represents an interesting combination of stances.

But then, sometimes... he's super creepy.

THE BEST LINE: Well, there are many in "Team America," which I saw again last night. (Hey, it's the only thing keeping me optimistic these days.) But my favorite was Susan Sarandon's last words, before she is hurled over a balcony and smashes into bloody little bits on the ground (yes, the scene drew cheers in the movie theater both times). Her last words to "Team America" are the classic Fonda-esque: "You will die a peasant's death." You just know she reads the Nation.

I have every intention of seeing Team America and expect I'll enjoy it. But that closing comment (in boldface) really seems to speak to the disconcerting part of him. What does it mean?

Does it mean that he relishes the fictional dramatization of Susan Sarandon's violent death because he believes she is in reality a Nation reader?

Does it mean that he believes Nation readers (of which I'm an almost always disapproving one) are all stuck-up assholes?

Does it mean what it seems at first to mean - that this representation of Susan Sarandon somehow validates his imperssion of who she is as a person?

I don't get it. But sometimes this guy strikes me as one loose bolt away from Coulter...


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