Friday, October 15, 2004

Friday Horse Race

Not much new to report.

In the Tradesports exchange, Bush is slightly lower than last week. The Bush Industrial Average (the price of one contract in every state) stands at 2953.6, about a 30 point drop since last week. Kerry's position has improved but it has more to do if Kerry's going to have a chance:


Bush: Strong - 254; Weak - 30; Total - 284
Kerry: Strong - 243; Weak - 4; Total - 247
Tied: Iowa (7)

In the averaged polls, Bush's lead slipped some more, with his lead in the projected popular vote falling to 1.25 million. Bush is still winning the electoral college handily, but those swing states are starting to spin on their pivots.


Bush: Strong - 206; Weak - 83; Total - 289
Kerry: Strong - 196; Weak - 53; Total - 249


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