Saturday, June 19, 2004

This Can't Be For Real.

Noam Scheiber is reporting on the march of the Kerry V-P nomination process. According to Scheiber, there are a large number of reasons why Gephardt is currently a strong favorite.

  1. Won't Upstage Kerry
  2. No Greater Political Ambition
  3. Could Be President
  4. Personal Rapport

This may be all true. But let's just make this 100% clear.


Who will Dick Gephardt bring to the polls? Organized labor? Are you kidding? So-called "organized" labor doesn't represent itself. For the most part, labor isn't a CONSTITUENCY... It's an ORGANIZATION. Name one national general election that has been won on the grounds of courting labor. Even in a recession, Clinton was able to win election with a pro-NAFTA message.

And, worse, Gephardt will alienate every anti-Bush moderate who is even CONSIDERING voting Democratic in 2004.

I mean, I'm a pretty hard constituency to lose. I'm a dedicated liberal, gay, urban, college-educated, knowledge-worker, atheist... I'm your "demographic sweet-spot." But a Gephardt nomination pick, a sop to the paleo-liberal state-interventionist wing of the Democratic Party will instantly undermine any claim that Kerry could make, that everyone wants to believe, that bad as he may be as a prospective President, his Administration would be better than Bush.

A Gephardt VP nomination. For the love of God, let's hope not...


Blogger Joshua K. said...

Belle Waring of Crooked Timber shares your sentiment, though he grudgingly admits that, if he had to, he'd vote for "a can of processed cheese food" against Bush.

1:32 PM  

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