Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Power of the Internet

Interesting chain of events:

1) In a fit of angst, dumb teenagers attach fireworks to the back of a rabbit, then toss it into the lake

2) In a fit of remorse, said dumb teenagers dive into lake and rescue rabbit.

3) In a fit of something, dumb teenager posts picture of incident on his personal blog.

4) In a fit of outrage, concerned citizen discovers photos and posts them on Craigslist

5) In a fit of benevolence, the House Rabbit Society of Richmond rescues the rabbit and turns the miscreants over to the proper authorities.

What can I say about this tale?

One, I find it highly suggestive of the possible future impact the internet will have upon law enforcement. Anonymity on the net has been steadily eroding, and I'm guessing that this will have a significant effect down the road. For good or evil really depends upon other factors. But even the furtive rabbit-abusers must now fear the reach of the law, as the bright light of the internet shines beneath every rock of criminal malfeasance.

Secondly... how the hell do people decide how to invest their time and energy? The House Rabbit Society? I mean, on the one hand, it's heartwarming that there is an organization of vigilantes protecting the interests of domesticated rabbits everywhere...

On the other hand, it's just plain sick and wrong.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it sick and wrong to protect the interests of rabbits? I would think these epithets (and more) should be preserved for what the teenagers did. To describe these people simply as "dumb" is as gross understatement, like describing Hitler as "mean". My fervent hope is that none of these guys were juveniles and that they are all tried as adults, get sentenced to prison for the felonies they committed, and get as well treated in prison by the other inmates as they treated the rabbit.

Also, this seems like a really weak springboard for discussing internet privacy. These guys (not some bystander) posted the photographs on the internet themselves. Anyone who is that stupid (or "dumb") as you put it, deserves to get found out.

3:56 PM  

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