Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Olympic Frustration

So, I'm watching the Olympics on Bravo at my sister's house. Women's fencing. And, as happens with the Olympics, I found myself getting invested in the outcome of a sport I'd otherwise be completely indifferent to...

So, the finals progress apace... they settle the bronze medal match...

And then an announcer comes on demanding that you watch NBC Primetime to see the gold medal match.

OK. So, that's mildly annoying. But whatever. I tune into NBC. Sit through some swimming semi-finals, and then the gold medal match comes on, between Margunis (sic?), the American fencer, and the Chinese champion. First three hits go to the American, very solid work.

Baby gets fussy, and I go upstairs to put her down. As I set her down, I hear a cry from downstairs... "That's it! They've just skipped straight to the end?!?!"

Apparently, they just decided to move over the intervening rounds, show the final hit, then run the medal ceremony.

CURSE NBC. CURSE THE IOC. The decision to turn over broadcasting rights to NBC was one of the dumbest mistakes ever made by a sporting body.

Isn't it just possible to show events as events?


Blogger benjbecker said...

Word, man. At least they have women's fencing on. I'm happy just to be able to turn on a tv and be able to see something

9:34 PM  

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