Thursday, August 12, 2004

Where I'll be tonight


It's not that I'm outraged at the California Supreme Court's decision today. I've long been telling folks around here that Newsom's actions were no way to change the law.

But just because it was illegal, doesn't mean it was wrong. One of my co-workers just discovered today that his marriage has just been downgraded once more to a thirteen-year "partnership."

So, I'll be there... maybe a little out of curiosity, but mostly out of solidarity.

In the end, we're on the side of righteousness on this issue. Allowing two people in love to consumate their relationship does no damage to any third party. It may insult religious sensibilities, but no more than the present statutory bigotry does.

We've made a lot of headway, and I don't think we're going to make any definitive progress until we've persuaded at least 50% of the people somewhere that this is indeed a simple question of justice.

I'm optimistic that we will make our case.


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