Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Sketch Notes from Georgia

1) Went to Stone Mountain Georgia for the laser-light show spectacular. I sat on the back porch of the visitor center next to a married couple from Florida who were on their first vacation, ever. The husband had just returned from a 14-month tour in Iraq. When the fireworks started going off, he got very uncomfortable, and started saying that it reminded him of his last few days in Baghdad. They ended up leaving early, but our brief conversation was pleasant. People have some curious ideas about California out here... which isn't surprising, since I'm finding my own understanding of the differences between the West and the South have been significantly overstated.

2) Went to Tybee Island to watch the sun rise out of the ocean. Bizarre to see the shadows slanting backwards across a beach.

3) Attended Sunday Sermon at First Baptist Church of Atlanta (look for me on TV!). Not very different from my experiences with Orange County Baptists (i.e., for a Catholic boy, unpleasant). An after-sermon workshop noted with some discomfort and some amusement -"Catholics v. Christians: Are Catholics really Christians?"

4) The food out here is excellent. Heavy, tasty, cheap. The atmosphere in August is punishing. Good beer is much harder to find than in California. Coca-Cola rules this state.

5) After watching sunrise, and driving back to Atlanta today, we were low energy and so decided just to see a movie. "The Manchurian Candidate." It's an awful little film. A Hollywood funhouse of vindictive paranoia.

6) You hear "Georgia on my mind" everywhere you go. It's on the license plates. PBS signs off for the night with a video montage of it. It's part of the laser-light show at Stone Mountain. Featured prominently in Macon's Georgia Hall of Music Fame. Over the speakers as restaurants. Must admit, though, that I can't think of any songs for California that even hold a candle to it.


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