Wednesday, September 01, 2004

This is rich...

I confess, I don't watch much of the convention coverage. The speeches bore me (because of their overheated lack of content). Its the reaction to them that fascinate me.

And, I must say... I'm really enjoying Jason Zengerle's growing disdain for last night's speech by the Bush twins...

I'm still reeling from the utterly bad taste of the Bush twins' performance last night. Particularly offensive was how the daughters spoke about their father's top aides. Jenna got it started: "We've spent a lot of time at the White House, so when we showed up the first day, we thought we had it all figured out. But apparently my dad already has a chief of staff, named Andy." Then she added, "I knew I wasn't quite ready to be president, but number two sounded pretty good." To which Barbara replied, "Who is this man they call Dick Cheney?" And then Barbara kept the joke going: "We knew we had something to offer. I mean, we've traveled the world; we've studied abroad. But when we started coming home with foreign policy advice, dad made us call Condi."

"Condi"? How about "Dr. Rice"? The Bush girls were talking, respectively, about the White House Chief of Staff and the Vice President and National Security Adviser of the Untied States--and they managed to make them sound like the family servants. It's bad enough that Paris Hilton is a pop-culture icon. Do we have to celebrate spoiled rich girls in politics too?

Maybe I'm biased from my own encounters with Chelsea Clinton (went to college with her)... but if there's any truth to the old saw that you can judge a parent by his offspring...

Well, I know which set of parents I'd choose for my kid...


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