Monday, October 25, 2004

Registration Numbers - Nevada

Here's how the voter registration picture looks in the state of Nevada. In January of 2000 the registration picture was:
Democrats: 380,302
Republicans: 379,302
Non-Partisan: 130,072
Third-Party: 26,861

By October of 2000 the picture had changed to:
Democrats: 365,593
Republicans: 366,431
Non-Partisan: 122,339
Third-Party: 24,607

Final votes for candidates in 2000 broke down as follows:
Democrat: 279,978
Republican: 301,575
Third-Party: 27,417

Here's the breakdown for January 2004:
Democrats: 339,503
Republicans: 352,730
Non-Partisan: 128,039
Third-Party: 26,215

And here it is for October 2004:
Democrats: 429,808
Republicans: 434,239
Non-Partisan: 161,620
Third-Party: 45,434

In 2000, the number of registered voters in each party declined over the course of the year. In contrast, in 2004, the number of registered voters has spiked dramatically for all parties. This indicates that the turnout is going to be quite high. Democrats failed to best the Republicans in the registration game despite an intense effort. Given the generally higher turnout rate of Republicans and Bush's comparatively stronger support amongst his own party, it's gonna' be a tough fight in Nevada. If non-partisan voters break significantly in Kerry's favor, he might squeak over the top. But recent polls suggest its unlikely.


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