Monday, July 26, 2004

Clinton's Speech

I caught the second-screening of the convention speeches on C-SPAN a short while ago. Seeing Gore, Carter, Hillary, then Bill Clinton in sequence like that really highlighted Bill's strength as an orator. None of the others held a candle to Clinton on pure mechanics.

What more can I say about Clinton's speech, other than it filled me with envy for his eloquence? Clinton laid his finger with concision and clarity on issue after issue which I feel like I've been struggling to articulate for the last two years. Judging from the audience reactions, the speech's strength was exactly that capacity to appear a statement of what you've been trying to say half so-clearly. The audience shots showed people leaping to their feets with an ebullient expression that seemed like recognition. You know, the "yes, yes" applause...

I'm not sure how many folks really watch Democratic Convention speeches... but for America's sake, I hope they were tuning in by the hundreds of thousands.


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