Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Forging a New World

It's hard to really express my sadness over what's happening in the headlines today.

But this disappoints in a special measure, as it shows how effectively the Bush v. "bin Laden" (cf. "the many faces of")face off is polarizing and radicalizing the world community:
Mosques burn in Nepal as mob vents fury at execution of hostages

An indefinite curfew was imposed yesterday in Kathmandu after angry mobs stormed the city's two mosques, vandalised manpower agencies and attacked the offices of Qatar Airways and Gulf Air. Four deaths are unconfirmed but at least three people are known to have died in the violence which erupted after news of the slaughter of 12 Nepalese hostages in Iraq by an Islamic militant group, Ansar al-Sunnah, the largest number of foreign hostages to be killed at one time by insurgents in Iraq.

Everyone loses.


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