Thursday, November 11, 2004

Why Democrats Suck

GOD, I hate them! From today's NY Times:

While the selection of Mr. Gonzales as attorney general may create a public fight, some Senate Democrats said they might want to save their heavy ammunition for what is expected to be a battle over possible Supreme Court nominees rather than expending it on what is likely to be a losing cause for attorney general.

Hello, Democrats! All your causes are losing causes!

In the meantime, President Bush is appointing a lawyer deeply implicated in the Torture Memo scandal to the position of Attorney General. You know, that jurisprudential bodice-ripper with this sizzling finale:

For the foregoing reasons, we conclude that torture as defined in and proscribed by Sections 2340-2340A, covers only extreme acts. Severe pain is generally of the kind difficult for the victim to endure. Where the pain is physical, it must be of an intensity akin to that which accompanies serious physical injury such as death or organ failure. Severe mental pain requires suffering not just at the moment of infliction but it also requires lasting psychological harm, such as seen in mental disorders like posttraumatic stress disorder. Additionally, such sever mental pain can arise only from the predicate acts listed in Section 2340. Because the act inflicting torture are extreme, there is significant range of acts that though they might constitute cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment fail to rise to the level of ttorture.

Further, we conclude that under the circumstances of the current war against al Qaeda and its allies, application of Section 2340A to interrogations undertaken pursuant to the President's Commander-in-Chief powers may be unconstitutional. Finally, even if an interrogation method might violate Section 2340A, necessity or self-defense could provide justifications that would eliminate any criminal liability.

This IS the heavy ammunition. Sure, Democrats aren't likely to be able to prevent this nomination. But they damned well better use this opportunity to underscore just what a moral outarge this appointment would be.


Blogger Q said...


Just like they fought the battle to keep John "I'm still heavily implicated in collaborating with Death Squads in Latin America" Negroponte from being Ambassador to Iraq (though happily it means he's not Ambassador to the UN anymore) and Dr. Charles "I Won't Prescribe Birth Control to UnMarried Women and Recommend Reading the Bible for Various Feminine Reproductive Problems" Hague of the FDA's Reproductive Health Advisory Board.

I don't understand why the Democrats not only don't fight dirty, they don't fight. For some ungodly reason, they only get really riled by Nader -- understandable, but seemingly less productive than stopping war criminals from being appointed to high office, thinks I.

8:47 PM  

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